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REALTORS Care® Week 2022 - Love Wave

Homelessness continues to be a growing cause for concern in our region. The Association of Interior REALTORS® and United Way British Columbia have come together to launch a wave of love to support those in need this winter.

The Love Wave campaign aims to provide direct resources to Association members who wish to support important causes. Whether you have time or you don’t, with the Love Wave campaign you can participate in the wave of love that we’ll be sending this Christmas. 

This season we'll kickoff the campaign with a fundraising challenge and a new socks and underwear clothing drive. Association members will challenge each other individually, or at their respective brokerages and raise donations and proceeds for local shelters that are dedicated to supporting ones those who are homeless or at the risk of homelessness.

DONATE HERE for the Love Wave Challenge

New Sock and Underwear Collection Drive (Campaign extended till Nov 20, 2022)

This year, we will be collecting NEW socks and underwear for people who are displaced or housing insecure. Socks and underwear are some of the least likely donated items, and two of the most important. Maintaining good foot health is imperative for people living on the street, especially in the wintertime. Often, they don’t have access to laundry facilities and wear the same pair of socks or underwear for days, weeks, or even months until they can be replaced. 

The clothing collection points for new socks and underwear are to be setup at the following locations:

*new socks and underwear packs have to be in unopened packages to be accepted

*please have new socks and underwear packs in unopened packages

Send your Wave of Love

DONATE HERE for the Love Wave Challenge

We will be featuring names of donors and supporting brokerages on this page during the campaign.

For the latest complete area, and Canada wide listings, please visit®.
